Introduction - Fiji

Fiji is the newest member in the distinguished club of poor community savings and credit movements in Asia. In November 2006, the first daily savings groups were launched in a few informal settlements in Suva, with support from the NGO ECREA (Ecumenical Center for Research, Education and Advocacy). In January, 2007, these communities came together with several others in a workshop and decided to organize themselves into a network, which they called the People’s Community Network (PCN). It was all very new, but one idea everyone understood was that this was their first step in breaking their dependence on outsiders for whatever things they need. A committee was formed comprising two representatives from each settlement, and the committee began meeting once a month to review the savings process and discuss issues that came up in community meetings. The network has now grown to include 50 poor communities in the Suva region, all with active savings groups, with about 15,000 members and combined savings of US$ 60,000. The savings and network process has also been bolstered by friends in Asia, through both visits to Fiji (by teams from ACHR which included Thai and Philippines community leaders and two community architects) and exchange trips which have allowed community leaders from Fiji to visit community initiatives in Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines.

 Fiji Update December 2014 

All the latest ACCA stat.s from Fiji
A community network uses ACCA to expand into new cities
The network’s first land and housing breakthrough at LAGILAGI
Citywide mapping and planning in LAUTOKA

2 page extract on the above topics from ACCA 5 Year Report

As we construct the NEW ACHR website we will add more information on each country. For now please consider the Country Library section below where PDF downloads with copious information is available.
Country Library - FIJI

2011 NOTES 
ACHR CAN visit Report 2011....  1. Community Surveys, Mapping and Participatory Planning 2. Beyond Savings for Housing, to Savings and Loans and bringing women into more active participation. 3. Government Policy level; Engaging National and Local government 4. Discussions with the People's Community Network  Maurice Leonhardt 

6 pages text and photos PDF 450 KB

2009 Extract from ACCA 1st Year Report
First land breakthrough for the network at LAGILAGI.  Lami-Suva-Nausori Corridor.  SMALLPROJECT: Construction of a paved access road which links 9 poor communities (1,600 households) in the Wailoku area of Suva.  ACCA statistics

2 pages text and photos 221 KB


More Information links  ____________________

MATAISU  BLOG   Aug 2011:
Mataisau is a Fijian word for a builder. Young local architects involved with the Asian Coalition of Housing Rights and the Peoples Community Network of Fiji are helping develop the poorer communities in Fiji. They have a new BLOG presenting some of their activities over the past few months. Visit the blog by clicking MATAISAU

  Community Architects Hugo, Heidi and Anna organized survey and mapping workshops with Fiji communities during 17 Aug- 27. 

The JET - Newspaper         Fiji Times 

If you have recommendations for more links to Fijian urban poor deveopment information and resources please CONTACT us at the link in the banner above.