This 2nd edition of the CAN newsletter starts with a special feature on Bangladesh, a country with a huge population and housing problem where the community architecture approach is still young but growing fast. Two big projects are now underwayin the country, seeking to apply the principles of participatory upgrading across Bangladesh’s lowincome communities. We also have some good examples of people and communities taking on an active role in maintaing and renovating their own houses, buildings and architectural and cultural heritage, in such different contexts as UNESCO heritage site George Town, the metropolis of Seoul, and the mountain city of Leh in Ladakh. From Thailand, we received a piece on how to apply‘universal design’ for people’s needs into community upgrading, and a beautiful story on land planning reform from the bottom up in the hilly Mae Tha district.
We are launching our new section ‘Beyond CAN’ to hear inspiring stories of change from other parts of the world, with two stories from Chile, where progressive government policies and innovative young architects are changing the way cities are made. We hope you’ll enjoy reading these stories and we strongly invite everyone to contribute to the newsletter, to help make it become a space for exchange and learning across the network and beyond.
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