Vietnam is another country which starts the ACCA Program with a big head start. Over the past ten years ACHR and ENDA-Vietnam have been supporting a process of strengthening community savings groups and setting up city-level community development funds (CDFs) to link these savings groups in a growing number of Vietnamese cities. In each of these cities, the women’s union and the communities are working together. This “CDF Network” started in five cities, then grew to eight, and has now spread to 28 cities around the country. But so far, these savings group networks have worked only on income generation activities, and some very small upgrading projects in the communities, not on the more complex and more urgent issues of land or housing.
Below: Early days of ACHR in Vietnam 1992
As we construct the NEW ACHR website we will add more information on each country. For now please consider the Country Library section below where PDF downloads with copious information is available.
2010 Extracts on Vietnam from ACCA 2nd Year Report
ACCA statistics 10 cities. Projects are attracting 4 times the ACCA investment. The Housing project in Vinh City
2 pages photos & text 226 KB
2009 Extracts on Vietnam from ACCA 1st Year Report
Projects in Viet Tri, Vinh, Lang Son, Plus ...
5 pages photos & text 764 KB
Hoi An Ancient Town is an exceptionally well-preserved example of a South-East Asian trading port dating from the 15th to the 19th century. Its buildings and its street plan reflect the influences, both indigenous and foreign, that have combined to produce this unique heritage site. This report by Andre Alexander attempts to assess how the poor in the city are affected by its World Heritage status.
Photos & Text 1.3 Mgbs
These notes were taken during the assessment trip to visit ACCA projects being implemented by poor communities in Vietnam. The visit took place in April 2010, and was a chance for teams of community leaders and their support organizations from six other countries (Thailand, Nepal, Lao PDR, Philippines, Mongolia and Sri Lanka) - all of whom are involved in implementing their own city-wide ACCA upgrading projects - to meet their peers in Vietnam who are doing projects, learn more about the projects, see how they are progressing, compare notes and discuss together what the strong and weak points of the projects have been. Four cities: Vinh, Hai Duong, Viet Tri and Lang Son. But these joint assessments are also an opportunity to reflect on how all of us are working back in our own countries. This is a new kind of assessment process - a "two-way" assessment, in which we assess others and assess ourselves at the same time. And we have learned a lot and now have a much deeper understanding of the process in Vietnam. PDF
7 pages notes 77 KB
More Information ______________________
If you have recommendations for more links to Vietnam's urban poor deveopment information and resources please CONTACT us at the link in the banner above.